Our deepest gratitude to the advisors for RTC Sweden, thank you for guiding us in our work!
Magdalena R. Lind
Magdalena R. Lind has a M.Litt in International Security Studies and is one of the funders of Metis Services, a creative security bureau. She is a co-author of Come Back Alive- a comprehensive handbook in field security for journalists, activists, humanitarians and diplomats operating in the face of shrinking public space. She specialises in counter-terrorism and intelligence-driven solutions; building on years of experience as a specialist at the Swedish Armed Forces as well as a working internationally for humanitarian organisations on interfaith relations, migration, displacement and security.
Thomas Hammarberg
Thomas Hammarberg is an international human rights activist. He is now member of the Swedish Parliament and the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly. He has been Secretary General of Amnesty International, Swedish Save the Children and Olof Palme International Center. He took part in the drafting of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and served in the UN Committee to monitor the implementation of this treaty.
Clive Stafford Smith
Clive Stafford Smith JD, OBE, is an Anglo-American human rights lawyer who spent 32 years in the US defending prisoners on death row and, after 9/11, bringing the first litigation to open up Guantanamo Bay, before founding the legal action charity Reprieve, and returning to the UK. In between continuing this work, he is currently focused on opening up "Guantanamo on the Euphrates" - the detention camps maintained due to the European pressure keeping detainees from returning home - to the rule of law.
Peter W. Galbraith
Peter W. Galbraith served as the first U.S. ambassador to Croatia where he mediated the 1995 Erdut Agreement that ended the Croatia War. His other senior government positions include being Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations to Afghanistan in 2009 and a Cabinet Member in East Timor’s first Transitional Government in 2000-2001. Since 2013, Galbraith has been engaged in several mediation projects involving the Syrian opposition and the Syrian Kurds. He made 15 trips to Northeast Syria since 2014 including in November 2019, just after Turkey invaded. At the request of the Syrian Kurdish Administration, he has been working to find a solution for the 10,000 foreign (neither Syrian nor Iraqi) ISIS women and children currently detained in Northeast Syria.
Malena Rembe
Malena Rembe has over twenty years of working in Counter Terrorism, International Humanitarian Law and War Crimes Investigations, Security Sector Reform and Humanitarian and Development Aid. Rembe has worked for the Swedish Security Service, the UN War Crimes Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia, for EU CSDP missions in Afghanistan and Iraq and for the Swedish Red Cross as regional manager for the Middle East, North Africa and Europe. She has continuously argued that the so called foreign fighters and their families should be repatriated for humanitarian, legal and sustainable security reasons.
Dalia Al-Mokdad
Dalia Al-Mokdad is a communication specialist and expert in Countering Violent Extremism (CVE). She has 8 years of experience in inter-religious dialogue and cultural and religious pluralism. She has interviewed and filmed former extremists and people vulnerable to extremism from all age groups, and youth countering extremism in the MENA region. She was managing Taadudiya.com platform that has been selected as one of the best practices in the MENA working on CVE. Dalia is a consultant for several non-governmental organizations, and she delivers consultancy and training in Lebanon and abroad for youth, young professionals, educators and, social and religious experts.
Nemam Ghafouri
Nemam Ghafouri, MD, MSc, has broad experience of medical practice from each of the world's five continents as well as from humanitarian work in Africa, India, Iraq and Syria. She is the founder of the Swedish NGO Joint Help, which is also registered in USA, Iraq and Syria and is the CEO of DynaComp AB, specialised in medicals and photography. Prior to her work in Iraq and Syria, she was working as a cardiac surgeon. Since 2014, Nemam Ghafouri has served to work with Yazidi victims of ISIS, including in the al-Hol camp, as well as with support to a rehabilitation center for children of ISIS parents.